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Risultati 1220-1240 di 9229

Physikalische Abhandlungen und Vorträge

aus Anlass seines 100. Geburtstages (23. April 1958)

  • Planck, Max

A finite unified quantum field theory of the elementary particle standard model and quantum gravity

based on new quantum dimensionsTM & a new paradigm in the calculus of variations

  • Blaha, Stephen

Gravitational wave experiments

first Edoardo Amaldi conference on gravitational wave experiments : Villa Tuscolana, Frascati, Rome, 14-17 June 1994

  • Edoardo Amaldi conference on gravitational waveexperiments 1. Frascati 1994

Fragile objects

soft matter, hard science, and the thrill of discovery

  • De Gennes, Pierre-Gilles


special, general, and cosmological

  • Rindler, Wolfgang

Le systeme international d' unites

  • Bureau Internaional Des Poids Et Mesures

Esercizi di fisica

  • Bernardini, Paolo <1954- >

Large amplitude waves and fields in plasmas

proceedings of the 2nd week of the Spring college on plasma physics : Trieste, Italy, May 22-26, 1989

  • Spring college on plasma physics Trieste 1989

Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics

collected papers on quantum philosophy

  • Bell, John S.

Dispersion relation dynamics

a phenomenological introduction to S-matrix theory

  • Burkhardt, Hugh

The rigged Hilbert space and quantum mechanics

lectures in mathematical physics at the University of Texas at Austin

  • Böhm, Arno