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Risultati 920-940 di 9229

Quantum fluids and solids, 1983, Sanibel Island, Florida

QFS 83, symposium, quantum fluids and solids, Sanibel Island, Florida, April 11-15, 1983

  • International symposium on quantum fluids and solids Sanibel Island 1983


  • Alonso, Marcelo

Lattice gauge theories ; Supersymmetry and grand unification

proceedings of the johns hopkins workshop on current problems in particle theory 6., Florence, 1982, june 2-4

  • Johns Hopkins Workshop on Current problems in particle theory 6. Firenze 1982

Diffusione di onde elastiche

tesi di laurea

  • Baldecchi, Franca

Concepts in physics

  • Adair, Robert Kemp

Band theory of solids

an introduction from the point of view of simmetry

  • Altmann, Simon Leonardo

Physique et philosophie

  • Jeans, James Hopwood

Étoiles simples

  • André, Charles