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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 540-560 di 9229

Physikalische Rundblicke

Gesammelte Reden und Aufsätze

  • Planck, Max

Punti di contatto tra fisica e biologia

corso di dieci lezioni tenuto presso il Centro Linceo interdisciplinare di scienze matematiche e loro applicazioni dal 22 al 26 maggio 1972

  • Ageno, Mario

Theoretical physics and philosophical problems

selected writings

  • Boltzmann, Ludwig

Liquid scintillation

science and technology : [proceedings of the international conference on liquid scintillation, held at the Banff Centre in Alberta, Canada on June 14-17, 1976]

Quantum uncertainties

recent and future experiments and interpretations

Properties and applications of low-temperature plasma

plenary lectures presented at the International symposium on the properties and applications of low-temperature plasma, held in Moscow, U.S.S.R., 15-18 July 1965 : conférence internationale sur les propriétés et les applications des plasmas, à Moscou, U.R.S.S., 15-18 juillet 1965]

  • International symposium on the properties and applications of low-temperature plasma Mosca 1965

Current algebra and phenomenological Lagrange functions

[invited papers presented at the first International summer school for theoretical physics, University of Karlsruhe, July 22-August 2, 1968]

Proceedings of the fifth international conference on ionization phenomena in gase

Munich, 28 august-1 september, 1961

  • International conference on ionization phenomena in gases 5 Monaco 1961

Magic without magic

John Archibald Wheeler : a collection of essays in honor of his sixtieth birthday