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Risultati 240-260 di 433

L' imposition et les mouvements internationaux de capitaux

un colloque reunissant pays de l'OCDE et pays non-membres de l'OCDE : juin 1990

World Bank lending for small and medium enterprises

fifteen years of experience

  • Webster, Leila

International monetary economics, 1870-1960

between the classical and the new classical

  • Flanders, M. June

The myth of Americaʼs decline

leading the world economy into the 1990s

  • Nau, Henry R.

Regime general des mouvements de capitaux


  • Comunita europee: commissione: direction generale des affaires economiques et financieres

Global financial crises

lessons from recent events

Balance of payments adjustment, 1945 to 1986

the IMF experience

  • De Vries, Margaret Garritsen

Concluding remarks

to the annual reports of the Bank of Italy, 1960-1974

  • Carli, Guido<1914-1993>

Confession of a Taoist on Wall Street

a chinese american romance

  • Payne, David