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Risultati 240-260 di 619

The Roman stoics [+]

self, responsibility and affection

  • Reydams-Schils, Gretchen J.

The stoic life [+]

emotions, duties, and fate

  • Brennan, Tad

Reading Seneca [+]

stoic philosophy at Rome

  • Inwood, Brad

Seneque prosateur

etudes litteraires et grammaticales sur la prose de Seneque le philosophe

  • Bourgery, Abel

Essays on Seneca

  • Motto, Anna Lydia

Plutarque et le stoïcisme

thèse principale pour le doctorat es lettres ...

  • Babut, Daniel

Ad Lucilium epistula 85

  • Seneca, Lucius Annaeus 4 a.C.-65

Selected philosophical letters

  • Seneca, Lucius Annaeus 4 a.C.-65

I frammenti

  • Seneca, Lucius Annaeus 4 a.C.-65

Facundus Seneca [+]

aspetti della lingua e dell'ideologia senecana

  • Setaioli, Aldo

Seneca und die Stoa

der Platz des Menschen in der Welt

  • Wildberger, Jula

Seeing Seneca whole

perspectives on philosophy, poetry and politics

Recognitio sui

Seneca im Spiegel seiner und seines Selbst

  • Abel, Karlhans

I frammenti

  • Crates: Mallota