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Risultati 260-280 di 610

Theology and philosophy in the twelfth century [+]

a study of Gilbert Porretas thinking and theological expositions of the doctrine of the incarnation during the the period 1130-1180

  • Nielsen, Lauge Olaf

The rise and decline of the scholastic Quaestio disputata

with special emphasis on its use in the teaching of medicine and science

  • Lawn, Brian

Logic and other nonsense

the case of Anselm and his God

  • Bencivenga, Ermanno

John Duns Scotus [+]

metaphysics and ethics

Duns Scot à Paris, 1302-2002

actes du Colloque de Paris, 2-4 septembre 2002

The schools and the cloister

the life and writings of Alexander Nequam (1157-1217)

  • Hunt, Richard William

Sophismata asinina

une introduction aux disputes medievales

  • Guilelmus: Hentisberus

Duns Scoto

il rigore della carità

  • Boulnois, Olivier

Church and reform

bishops, theologians, and canon lawyers in the thought of Pierre D'Ailly (1351-1420)

  • Pascoe, Louis B.

Tommaso d'Aquino

  • Schönberger, Rolf

Duns Scotus

  • Harris, Charles Reginald Schiller

Philosophenphilosophie und Schulphilosophie

Typen des Philosophierens in der Neuzeit

  • Blum, Paul Richard

A philosophy rooted in love

the dominant themes in the perennial philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas

  • Klauder, Francis J.