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Risultati 40-60 di 321

Jerusalem and Babylon

a study into Augustine's City of God and the sources of his doctrine of the two cities

  • Oort, Johannes van


Zeit und "Memoria"

  • Kaiser, Hermann-Josef

Saint Augustin

  • Bertrand, Louis

Soliloquios y Manual

  • Augustinus, Aurelius santo

Patristique et moyen âge

études d'histoire littéraire et doctrinale

  • Ghellinck, Joseph de

Elementary Patrology

the writings of the fathers of the Church

  • Dirksen, Aloys Herman

Saggio di filosofia agostiniana

i massimi sistemi

  • Montanari, Primo

The light of the mind

St. Augustine's theory of knowledge

  • Nash, Ronald

Obras filosóficas

  • Augustinus, Aurelius santo


libri XIII

  • Augustinus, Aurelius santo

De ordine ardua quaestio est

analisi di un Dialogo di S. Agostino : tesi di laurea

  • Cillerai, Beatrice 1975-

Theologische Frühschriften

Vom Freien Willen, Von der wahren Religion

  • Augustinus, Aurelius santo