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Risultati 160-180 di 1923

Analysis and metaphysics

an introduction to philosophy

  • Strawson, P.F.

Unità della ragione e controllo sociale

saggio su John Stuart Mill

  • Genchi, Giovanna

Bentham e Linneo

una interpretazione singolare

  • Marcucci, Silvestro

Henry Sidgwick

eye of the universe : an intellectual biography

  • Schultz, Bart

Gilbert Ryle

an introduction to his philosophy

  • Lyons, William


a biography

  • Martinich, Aloysius P.

Spectres of false divinity

Hume's moral atheism

  • Holden, Thomas Anand

L'utopia praticabile

John Stuart Mill e la scuola sansimoniana

  • Lanaro, Giorgio

Thomas Hobbes, his view of man

proceedings of the Hobbes Symposium at the International School of Philosophy in the Netherlands (Leusden, September 1979)

Russell remembered

  • Crawshay Williams, Rupert

Philosophical papers

  • Austin, John Langshaw

Principia ethica

  • Moore, George Edward