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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 40-60 di 486

Modelli di spiegazione

per una lettura neotrascendentale delle teorie scientifiche

  • Buchdahl, Gerd

Perception and discovery

an introduction to scientific inquiry

  • Hanson, Norwood Russell

Philosophy of science

an overview for cognitive science

  • Bechtel, William

Fact, faith and fiction in the development of science

the Gifford lectures given in the University of St Andrews 1976

  • Hooykaas, R.

Pictures, images and conceptual change

an analysis of Wilfrid Sellars' philosophy of science

  • Pitt, Joseph C.

Thomas Kuhn

a philosophical history for our times

  • Fuller, Steve

The beginnings of piezoelectricity

a study in mundane physics

  • Katzir, Shaul

Philosophy of chemistry

synthesis of a new discipline


  • Amerio, Franco