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Risultati 140-160 di 493

I gradi dell'organico e l'uomo [+]

introduzione all'antropologia filosofica

  • Plessner, Helmuth

L'usage de la raison

  • Mersenne, Marin 1588-1648

Valuing emotions [+]

  • Stocker, Michael

The Covenant of reason [+]

rationality and the commitments of thought

  • Levi, Isaac

Chrysippusʼ On affections

reconstruction and interpretation

  • Tieleman, Teun

Weakness of the will in medieval thought [+]

from Augustine to Buridan

  • Saarinen, Risto

Autonomous agents

from self-control to autonomy

  • Mele, Alfred R.


creative imagination in fine arts between life-projects and human aesthetic aspirations

Imaginatio creatrix

the pivotal force of the genesis/ontopoiesis of human life and reality

Differenz und Gleichheit

das Geschlechterverhältnis in der Sicht griechischer Philosophen des 4. bis 1. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.

  • Follinger, Sabine


  • Montaigne, Michel: de 1533-1592

La sostanza del desiderio

cibo, piacere e cerimonie

  • Simonetti, Gianni-Emilio