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Risultati 20-40 di 127

Meaning, understanding, and practice

philosophical essays

  • Stroud, Barry

Early analytic philosophy

Frege, Russel, Wittgenstein : essays in honor of Leonard Linsky

L'analisi filosofica

origini e sviluppi della filosofia analitica

  • Urmson, J. O.

The need for interpretation

contemporary conceptions of the philosopher's task

Beyond analytic philosophy

doing justice to what we know

  • Wang, Hao


an essay in descriptive metaphysics

  • Strawson, P.F.

La treccia di Putnam

ultima fermata della filosofia analitica

  • Peruzzi, Alberto

La riscoperta dell'empatia [+]

attribuzioni intenzionali e comprensione nella filosofia analitica

  • Rainone, Antonio

The analytic tradition

meaning, thought and knowledge

Philosophical analysis

a defense by example

Analytic philosophy in America

and other historical and contemporary essays

  • Soames, Scott