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Risultati 60-80 di 889

The world viewed

reflections on the ontology of film

  • Cavell, Stanley

Themes out of school

effects and causes

  • Cavell, Stanley

Il sistema schermo-mente

cinema narrativo e coinvolgimento emozionale

  • Carocci, Enrico

Icons of film

the 20. Century

Fatal attractions

re-scripting romance in contemporary literature and film

Film Theory

critical concepts in media and cultural studies

5001 nights at the movies [+]

a guide from A to Z

  • Kael, Pauline

Philosophy of the film

epistemology, ontology, aesthetics

  • Jarvie, Ian C.

Meglio star zitti?

scritti militanti su letteratura cinema teatro (1964-2004)

  • Raboni, Giovanni

Cinema '93 [+]

  • Grazzini, Giovanni

Ombre bianche [+]

critiche cinematografiche 1929-1930

  • Cecchi, Alberto