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Risultati 20-40 di 418

Lo specchio dell'io

autoritratto e psicologia

  • Ferrari, Stefano

Pittura di ritratto a Roma [+]

il Seicento

  • Petrucci, Francesco

The elements of life

biography and portrait-painting in Stuart and Georgian England

  • Wendorf, Richard

Franklin and his friends

portraying the man of science in eighteenth-century America

  • Fortune, Brandon Brame

Gainsborough's Beautiful Mrs Graham

National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, 2003

  • Belsey, Hugh

Portrait mummies from Roman Egypt (I-IV centuries A.D.)

with a catalog of portrait mummies in Egyptian Museums

  • Corcoran, Lorelei Hilda

Le cortigiane

ritratti del Rinascimento

  • Lawner, Lynne

Sobriety & elegance in the Baroque

an exhibition of portraits from the University of Notre Dame collection

Le belle

ritratti di dame del Seicento e del Settecento nelle residenze feudali del Lazio

  • Benocci, Carla