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Risultati 1-20 di 62

The dark side of Europe

the extreme right today

  • Harris, Geoffrey

International fascism

new thoughts and new approaches


les dictateurs et nous, entretiens avec Mussolini, Salazar, Franco, la conquête hitlérienne, la guerre religieuse du Troisième Reich, Hitler dans Rome

  • Massis, Henri

Fascism and neofascism

critical writings on the radical right in Europe

La nuova destra in Europa

il populismo e il pensiero di Alain de Benoist : libri inchiesta

  • Andriola, Matteo Luca

Fascists and conservatives

the radical right and the establishment in twentieth-century Europe

The civic foundations of fascism in Europe

Italy, Spain, and Romania, 1870-1945

  • Riley, Dylan

The Russian roots of Nazism

white émigrés and the making of National socialism, 1917-1945

  • Kellogg, Michael 1972-

Fascist and conservatives

the radical right and the estabilishment in twentieth-century Europe

  • Blinkhorn, Martin

Dittature mediterranee

sovversioni fasciste e colpi di Stato in Italia, Spagna e Portogallo

  • Albanese, Giulia

Il fascismo [+]

le interpretazioni dei contemporanei e degli storici

Neofascismo in grigio [+]

la destra radicale tra l'Italia e l'Europa

  • Vercelli, Claudio

Risultati 1-20 di 62