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Risultati 180-200 di 436

Aspects de la chimie des médicaments

activité pharmacodynamique et structure chimique, hypnotiques et antiépileptiques, structure de la pénicilline ...

  • Lespagnol, Albert 1901-

WHO expert committee on biological standardization

forty-ninth report

  • WHO expert committee on biological standardization Geneva 1998

British pharmaceutical technology conference, London, April 20th-22nd, 1982

  • British pharmaceutical technology conference 3. London 1982

Molecular modification in drug design

a symposium sponsored by the Division of medicinal chemistry at the 145th meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, N.Y., Sept. 9-10, 1963

  • Meeting of the American Chemical Society 145. New York 1963

Prodotti di origine vegetale in medicina, alimentazione, erboristeria e cosmetica

aspetti normativi, scientifici e tecnici relativi a qualità, sicurezza ed efficacia dei diversi usi delle piante officinali in Italia e nell'Unione Europea

  • Silano, Marco