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Risultati 400-420 di 2040

Ricerche sui rapporti patrimoniali tra coniugi

contributo alla storia della famiglia medievale

  • Bellomo, Manlio

Family history at the crossroads

a Journal of family history reader

The brothers of Romulus

fraternal pietas in Roman law, literature and society

  • Bannon, Cynthia J.

Family and society

selections from the Annales, economies, sociétés, civilisations


legami di parentela tra passato e presente : atti del Convegno, Pisa, 29 settembre - 1. ottobre 2005

Il coraggio di mediare

contesti, teorie e pratiche di risoluzioni alternative delle controversie

Familie im Wiederaufbau

Katholizismus und burgerliches Familienideal in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945-1965

  • Rolli Alkemper, Lukas

The household in late Medieval cities

Italy and Northwestern Europe compared : proceedings of the international conference, Ghent, 21st-22nd January 2000

Families in focus

new perspectives on mothers, fathers, and children

Gender, kinship, power [+]

a comparative and interdisciplinary history

The family and the school

a joint systems approach to problems with children

The family in a democratic society

anniversary papers of the community service society of New York

  • Community service society of New York

Family and household in Iceland, 1801-1930

studies in the relationship between demographic and socio-economic development, social legislation and family and household structures

  • Gunnlaugsson, Gisli Agust