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Risultati 160-180 di 5317

Il libro nero

il genocidio nazista nei territori sovietici, 1941-1945

Mazepa e il suo tempo

storia, cultura, società : history, culture, society

Window on the East

national and imperial identities in late tsarist Russia

  • Geraci, Robert P.

The Armenians

past and present in the making of national identity

Lenin ziv! ; Ленин жив!

kul't Lenina v Sovetskoj Rossii : культ Ленина в Советской России

  • Tumarkin, Nina

Obscestvo i vlast'

rossijskaja provincija, 1917-1980

Peter the Great

the struggle for power, 1671-1725

  • Bushkovitch, Paul

The engineer of Revolution

L.B. Krasin and the bolsheviks, 1870-1926

  • O'Connor, Timothy Edward

1933, l'année noire

témoignages sur la famine en Ukraine