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Risultati 100-120 di 605

Etnografia e colonialismo

l'Eritrea e l'Etiopia di Alberto Pollera (1873-1939)

  • Sòrgoni, Barbara

Between the jaws of hyenas

a diplomatic history of Ethiopia, 1876-1896

  • Caulk, Richard

The United States and Ethiopia

military assistance and the quest for security, 1953-1993

  • Agyeman-Duah, Baffour

Ethiopia and Eritrea

a documentary study

Proceedings of the ninth International congress of Ethiopian studies

Moscow, 26-29 August 1986

  • International congress of Ethiopian studies 9. Moscow 1986

I borana

una società assembleare dell'Etiopia

  • Bassi, Marco

Storia d'Etiopia [+]

  • Conti Rossini, Carlo

Äthiopen und der Westen im Mittelalter

die Selbstbehauptung der christlichen Kultur am oberen Nil zwischen dem islamischen Orient und dem europäischen Kolonialismus

  • Baum, Wilhelm

Ethiopia in broader perspective

papers of the 13. International conference of Ethiopian studies, Kyoto, 12-17 December 1997

  • International conference of Ethiopian studies 13. Kyoto 1997


a new start?

  • Tronvoll, Kjetil

Histoire de l'Ethiopie

d'Axoum a la revolution : (c. 3. siecle avant notre ere - 1974)

  • Abebe, Berhanou

Die athiopischen Konigschroniken in der Sammlung des Daggazmac Haylu

Entstehung und handschriftliche Uberlieferung des Werks

  • Kropp, Manfred

Tradition and change in Ethiopia

social and cultural life as reflected in Amharic fictional literature, ca. 1930-1974

  • Molvaer, Reidulf Knut


studio geografico-economico

  • Brusati, Gian Carlo

Proceedings of the eighth International conference of Ethiopian studies

University of Addis Ababa, 1984

  • International conference of Ethiopian Studies 8. Addis Ababa 1984

Ethiopian studies

proceedings of the sixth international conference : Tel-Aviv, 14-17 April 1980

  • International conference of Ethiopian Studies 6. Tel-Aviv 1980

Proceedings of the Seventh international Conference of Ethiopian Studies

University of Lund, 26-29 april 1982

  • International conference of Ethiopian studies 7. Lund 1982

Risultati 100-120 di 605