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Risultati 20-40 di 193


a philosophical exploration

  • Griswold, Charles L.

Theory of games as a tool for the moral philosopher

an inaugural lecture delivered in Cambridge on 2 december 1954

  • Braithwaite, Richard Bevan


sulla virtù

  • Plato

Sincerity and truth

essays on Arnauld, Bayle, and toleration

  • Kilcullen, John

La dignité de l'homme

actes du colloque tenu à la Sorbonne-Paris 4. en novembre 1992

Phronêsis - Prudentia - Klugheit

das Wissen des Klugen in Mittelalter, Renaissance und Neuzeit : Matthias Lutz-Bachmann zu seinem 60. Geburtstag

Moral character

an empirical theory

  • Miller, Christian B.

Bounded thinking

intellectual virtues for limited agents

  • Morton, Adam

Virtue and happiness

essays in honour of Julia Annas

L' importante è la rosa

piccole storie per l'anima

  • Ferrero, Bruno

La tolerance civile [+]

colloque international organise a l'Universite de Mons du 2 au 4 septembre 1981 a l'occasion du deuxieme centenaire de l'Edit de Joseph 2.