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Risultati 80-100 di 426

Santa, giusta, umanitaria

la guerra nella civiltà occidentale

  • Cassi, Aldo Andrea

War and individual rights

the foundations of just war theory

  • Draper, Kai

Beyond just war

a virtue ethics approach

  • Chan, David K

Military ethics

an introduction with case studies

  • Coleman, Stephen 1937-

Killing by remote control

the ethics of an unmanned military

Kants Friedensprogramm

das politische Denken im Kontext der praktischen Philosophie

  • Budelacci, Orlando

Guerre juste, guerre injuste

histoire, théories et critiques

  • Nadeau, Christian

The moral target

Aiming at right conduct in war and other conflicts

  • Kamm, Frances Myrna

War, morality, and autonomy

an investigation in just war theory

  • Zupan, Daniel S.