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Risultati 780-800 di 2822

L'ame et ses passions

Les passions et les erreurs de l'ame ; Les facultes de l'ame suivent les temperaments du corps

  • Galenus, Claudius

Against theory [+]

continental and analytic challenges in moral philosophy

  • Furrow, Dwight

Filosofia morale contemporanea [+]

logica e semantica del discorso etico

  • Warnock, Geoffrey James

The many and the one

religious and secular perspectives on ethical pluralism in the modern world

Rhetorical theory and praxis in Plutarch

acta of the 4. International Congress of the International Plutarch Society, Leuven, July 3-6, 1996

  • International Plutarch society

Estudios sobre Plutarco

Paisaje y Naturaleza : Actas del 2. Simposio Español sobre Plutarco, Murcia, 1990

  • Simposio Espanol sobre Plutarco

Glück im Unglück

philosophische Überlegungen

  • Marquard, Odo

Virtues and reasons

Philippa Foot and moral theory : essays in honour of Philippa Foot

Moral discourse and practice

some philosophical approaches

  • Darwall, Stephen L.

A review of the principal questions in morals [+]

particulary those respecting the origin of our ideas of virtue, its nature, relation to the deity, obligation, subject-matter, and sanctions

  • Price, Richard 1723-1791

Der Anspruch des Anderen [+]

Perspektiven phänomenologischer Ethik

La notion de liberté au Moyen Age: Islam, Byzance, Occident

Penn-Paris-Dumbarton Oaks colloquia : session des 12-15 octobre 1982

  • University of Pennsylvania

The moral sense

  • Raphael, D. Daiches

Morality as rationality

a study of Kants ethics

  • Herman, Barbara

Analysis of happiness

  • Tatarkiewicz, Władysław