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Risultati 20-40 di 112

Diritto, storia e pace perpetua

un'analisi del cosmopolitismo kantiano

  • Perni, Romina

La terra è rotonda [+]

Kant, Kelsen e la prospettiva cosmopolitica

  • Sciuto, Cinzia

Global justice and transnational politics

essays on the moral and political challenges of globalization

The tragic vision of politics

ethics, interests and orders

  • Lebow, Richard Ned

Ethics in international relations

a constitutive theory

  • Frost, Mervyn

La pace e le guerre [+]

guerra giusta e filosofie della pace : atti del seminario su : La pace e le guerre (Cagliari, 29 novembre, 9 e 16 dicembre 2004)

International society

diverse ethical perspectives

States, nations, and borders

the ethics of making boundaries

International ethics

concepts, theories, and cases in global politics

  • Amstutz, Mark R.

Normative theory in international relations

a pragmatic approach

  • Cochran, Molly

The sword of justice

ethics and coercion in international politics

  • Barry, James A.

Argument and change in world politics

ethics, decolonization, and humanitarian intervention

  • Crawford, Neta

How might we live?

global ethics in the new Century

Ethics and statecraft

the moral dimension of international affairs

The ethics of destruction

norms and force in international relations

  • Thomas, Ward