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Risultati 40-60 di 987

Cura animarum ed eretici

  • Merlo, Grado Giovanni

The rise of the monophysite movement

chapters in the history of the church in the fifth and sixth centuries

  • Frend, William Hugh Clifford

Three monophysite christologies

Severus of Antioch, Philoxenus of Mabbug, and Jacob of Sarug

  • Chesnut, Roberta C.

Livres & légendes bogomiles

(aux sources du Catharisme)

  • Ivanov, Jordan

Simon Magus

an essay on the founder of simonianism based on the ancient sources with a re-evaluation of his philosophy and teachings

  • Mead, George Robert Stow

L'épopée cathare

  • Roquebert, Michel

Der deutsche Pietismus

eine Auswahl von Zeugnissen, Urkunden und Bekenntnissen aus dem 17., 18. und 19. Jahrhundert

August Hermann Francke, 1663-1727

Zeuge des lebendigen Gottes

  • Beyreuther, Erich


Versuch einer Interpretation

  • Ritschl, Dietrich

L'eresia di Orléans

tesi di laurea

  • Volpi, Sandra

Il martello delle streghe

la sessualità femminile nel transfert degli inquisitori

  • Institoris, Henricus

Movimenti ereticali in Italia e in Polonia nei secoli XVI-XVII

atti del convegno italo-polacco : Firenze, 22-24 settembre 1971