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Risultati 160-180 di 652

The mathematics of finite elements and applications

proceedings of the Brunel University conference of the Institute of mathematics and its applications held in April 1972

  • Conference on the mathematics of finite elements and applications Uxbridge, Middlesex, England 1972

The mathematics of finite elements and applications II

MAFELAP 1975 : proceedings of the Brunel University conference of the Institute of mathematics and its applications held in April 1975

  • Conference on the mathematics of finite elements and applications 2. Uxbridge, Middlesex, England 1975

The heat equation

  • Widder, David Vernon

Hyperbolic problems: theory, numerics and applications

proceedings of the twelfth International conference on hyperbolic problems : June 9-13 2008, Center for scientific computation and mathematical modeling, University of Maryland, College Park

  • International conference on hyperbolic problems 12. University of Maryland 2008

Convegno sulle equazioni lineari alle derivate parziali

[Trieste], 25-28 agosto 1954 : sunti delle conferenze

  • Convegno internazionale sulle equazioni lineari alle derivate parziali Trieste 1954

Partial differential equations

  • Symposium in pure mathematics University of California at Berkley 1971