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Risultati 360-380 di 3599

Scienza e forme di vita

  • Gargani, Aldo Giorgio

Styles of scientific thinking in the European tradition

the history of argument and explanation especially in the mathematical and biomedical sciences and arts

  • Crombie, Alistair Cameron

Poétique d'une anti-anthropologie

l'herméneutique de Gadamer

  • Michon, Pascal

The nature of physical reality

a philosophy of modern physics

  • Margenau, Henry

Ética hermenéutica

crítica desde la facticidad

  • Conill Sancho, Jesús

What is value?

an essay in philosophical analysis

  • Hall, Everett W.

L'ermeneutica dell'ovvio

Studi sulla esplicitazione dei principi più evidenti

  • Farias, Domenico

Thought styles

critical essays on good taste

  • Douglas, Mary

O preconceito em H.-G. Gadamer

sentido de uma reabilitação

  • Silva, Maria Luísa Portocarrero Ferreira da

Vico nella storia della filologia

atti del Seminario internazionale : Napoli, 21 novembre 2003

The quest for certainty

a study of the relation of knowledge and action

  • Dewey, John

Contextualism in philosophy

knowledge, meaning, and truth