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Risultati 860-880 di 12196

An approach to the prevention of disability from chronic psychoses

the open mental hospital within the community : report of the second meeting of the Advisory Council on Mental Health Demonstrations : prooceedings of the thirty-fourth annual conference of the Milbank Memorial Fund, 1957, part 1

The mental hospital in the psychiatric service

a case-register study

  • Baldwin, John Alexander

Validation instruments for community pharmacy

pharmaceutical care for the third millennium

  • Azzopardi, Lilian M.

Living after mental illness

innovations in services

Psychiatric epidemiology

progress and prospects

Toynbee Hall and social reform, 1880-1914

the search for community

  • Meacham, Standish

Programs for community mental health

papers presented at the 1956 annual conference of the Milbank memorial fund

  • Conference of the Milbank memorial fund 1956

The injury chart book

a graphical overview of the global burden of injuries

  • World Health OrganizationDepartment of injuries and violence prevention

L'ospedale della Carità di Novara

il codice Vetus : documenti dei secoli XII-XIV

Stato e assistenza sociale in Italia

l'Opera nazionale maternità e infanzia, 1925-1975

  • Bettini, Maurizio 1963-

L'OMS en Europe

quarante années : l'élaboration d'une politique commune de la santé

  • Kaprio, Leo A.

Programmazione sanitaria regionale

proposte di modelli organizzativi e normativi per la Lombardia

  • Angiolini, Vittorio

Usage et pratiques de la philanthropie

pauvreté, action sociale et lien social, à Paris, au cours du premier XIXe siècle

  • Duprat, Catherine

Damasco-Medina, ferrovia avveniristica, 1901-1908

mille operai italiani nel deserto dell'Hedjaz

  • Bolasco, Ernesto Mario