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Risultati 300-320 di 2934

L'empire colonial de la France

formation, résultats, destinées

  • Beauregard, Victor

Polycentric monarchies

how did early modern Spain and Portugal achieve and maintain a global hegemony?

Dezvoltarea imperialismului contemporan

lectii la Universitatea din Bucuresti I-II

  • Iorga, Nicolae

Asians in east Africa

issued under the auspices of the Institute of Race Relations

  • Delf, George


immigrés et prolétaires, 1880-1980

  • Noiriel, Gérard

The Great Ship from Amacon

annals of Macao and the old Japan trade, 1555-1640

  • Boxer, Charles R.

Le origini dell'imperialismo americano

da McKinley a Taft (1897-1913)

  • Aquarone, Alberto