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Risultati 920-940 di 13204

Experts and politicians

reform challenges to machine politics in New York, Cleveland, and Chocago

  • Finegold, Kenneth

Party system closure

party alliances, government alternatives, and democracy in Europe

Wahlsystem und Wahlgleichheit

eine verfassungsdogmatische Untersuchung von Gestaltungsspielraum und Beschränkungen des Gesetzgebers im Bundestagswahlrecht

  • Drossel, Jan-Marcel

Le nombre et la raison [+]

la Révolution française et les élections

  • Gueniffey, Patrice

Roman voting assemblies

from the Hannibalic war to the dictatorship of Caesar

  • Taylor, Lily Ross


  • Abel, V. Lynne Snyder

Election '94 South Africa

the campaigns, results and future prospects

Manuale elettorale

per l'elezione dei sindaci, dei presidenti di provincia, dei consigli comunali e provinciali : propaganda elettorale, marketing politico-elettorale ...

  • Corrado, Salvatore

El régimen electoral de España

  • Arnaldo Alcubilla, Enrique

Gender and the vote in Britain

beyond the gender gap?

  • Campbell, Rosie

The new American voter

  • Miller, Warren Edward

Elections and electioneering in Rome

a study in the political system of the late republic

  • Yakobson, Alexander

Election as instruments of democracy

majoritarian and proportional visions

  • Powell, G. Bingham