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Risultati 1-15 di 15

ACM Sigmetrics 2002

international conference on measurement and modeling of computer systems : June 15-19, 2002, Marina del Rey, CA, USA

  • International conference on measurement and modeling of computer systems Marina Del Rey, California, USA 2002

Queueing networks and Markov chains

modeling and performance evaluation with computer science applications

Performance evaluation of complex systems

techniques and tools : performance 2002 tutorial lectures

Job scheduling strategies for parallel processing

7th international workshop, JSSPP 2001, Cambridge, MA, USA, June 16, 2001 : revised papers

  • International workshop on job scheduling strategies for parallel processing 7th Cambridge, MA, USA 2001

The practical performance analyst

performance-by-design techniques for distributed systems

  • Gunther, Neil J. 1950-

Computer a responsabilità limitata [+]

dove le macchine non riescono ad arrivare

  • Harel, David

Le prestazioni degli elaboratori elettronici

misura, valutazione, ottimizzazione

  • Ferrari, Domenico

Model checking

  • Clarke, Edmund M., 1945-

Handbook of model checking

  • Clarke, Edmund M., 1945-

The art of computer systems performance analysis [+]

techniques for experimental design, measurement, simulation, and modeling

  • Jain, Raj

Risultati 1-15 di 15