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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 140-160 di 3511

Agents and peer-to-peer computing

first international workshop, AP2PC 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 15, 2002 : revised and invited papers

  • International workshop on agents and peer-to-peer computing 1. Bologna, Italy 2002

Parallel problem solving from nature - PPSN VII

7th international conference, Granada, Spain, September 7-11, 2002 : proceedings

  • International conference on parallel problem solving from nature 7. Granada, Spain 2002

Randomization and approximation techniques in computer science

6th international workshop, RANDOM 2002, Cambridge, MA, USA, September 13-15, 2002 : proceedings

  • International Workshop on randomization and approximation techniques in computer science 6. Cambridge, Mass. 2002

Formal methods and software engineering

6th international conference on formal engineering methods, ICFEM 2004, Seattle, WA, USA, November 8-12, 2004 : proceedings

  • International conference on formal engineering methods 6. Seattle, WA, USA 2004

Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface

12th european PVM/MPI users' group meeting, Sorrento, Italy. September 18-21, 2005 : proceedings

  • European parallel virtual machine and message passing interface users' group meeting 12. Sorrento, Italia 2005

Fundamentals of computation theory

15th international symposium, FCT 2005, Lübeck, Germany, August 17-20, 2005 : proceedings

  • International symposium on fundamentals of computation theory 15. Lübeck, Germania 2005

Dalle porte AND OR NOT al sistema calcolatore [+]

un viaggio nel mondo delle reti logiche

  • Corsini, Paolo

Operational semantics for timed systems

a non-standard approach to uniform modeling of timed and hybrid systems

  • Rust, Heinrich

Service availability

first international service availability symposium, ISAS 2004, Munich, Germany, May 13-14, 2004 : revised selected papers

  • International service availability symposium 1. Monaco, Germania 2004


corso pratico

  • Kraynak, Joe

Proceedings of the twentieth annual ACM Symposium on principles of distributed computing


  • Symposium on principles of distributed computing 20. Newport, Rhode Island, USA 2001

The impact of computers on physics

proceedings of the first European conference physics organized by the Interdivisional group for computational physics of the European Physical Society CERN, Geneva,10-14 April 1972

  • European conference on computational physics 1 Ginevra 1972

Documenti virtuali

  • Costantino, Paola

ISSAC 2001

proceedings of the 2001 International symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation : July 22-25, 2001, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

  • International symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation 26. London, Ontario, Canada 2001

Integrated formal methods

third international conference, IFM 2002, Turku, Finland, May 15-18, 2002 : proceedings

  • International conference on integrated formal methods 3. Turku, Finland 2002

Risultati 140-160 di 3511