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Risultati 340-360 di 3511

Espressioni regolari

inventate nel 1950 ma ancora oggi insostituibili : le regexp

  • Beri, Marco

Service-oriented computing - ICSOC 2005

third international conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 12-15, 2005 : proceedings : proceedings

  • International conference on service-oriented computing 3. Amsterdam 2005

1995 CERN School of Computing

Arles, France, 20 August-2 September 1995. Proceedings.

Pervasive computing

second international conference, pervasive 2004, Linz/Vienna, Austria, April 18-23, 2004 : proceedings

  • International conference on pervasive computing 2. Linz/Vienna, Austria 2004

IPng and the TCP/IP protocols

implementing the next generation Internet

  • Thomas, Stephen A.

Advances in web intelligence

second international atlantic web intelligence conference, AWIC 2004, Cancun, Mexico, May 16-19, 2004 : proceedings

  • International atlantic web intelligence conference 2. Cancun, Mexico 2004

STACS 2004

21st annual symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science, Montpellier, France, March 25-27, 2004 : proceedings

  • Annual symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science 21. Montpellier, France 2004

Internetworking with TCP/IP, vol. III

client-server programming and applications : linux/POSIX sockets version

  • Comer, Douglas E.

Diccionario de Internet

con equivalencias en inglés

Open systems networking


  • Piscitello, David M.


guida pratica

  • Simpson, Alan


che cosa sono, come funzionano, come si realizzano

  • Holtz, Shel

Probabilità statistica e termodinamica

teoria, esercizi e simulazioni

  • De Michele, Fabio