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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1640-1660 di 5360

Algorithms and data structures

9th international workshop, WADS 2005, Waterloo, Canada, August 15-17, 2005 : proceedings

  • International workshop on algorithms and data structures 9. Waterloo, Canada 2005

Software engineering and middleware

4th international workshop, SEM 2004, Linz, Austria, September 20-21, 2004 : revised selected papers

  • International workshop on software engineering and middleware 4. Linz, Austria 2004

Security protocols

11th international workshop, Cambridge, UK, April 2-4, 2003 : revised selected papers

  • International workshop on security protocols 11. Cambridge, Gran Bretagna 2003

Progress in cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2002

third international conference on cryptology in India, Hyderabad, India, December 16-18, 2002 : proceedings

  • International conference on cryptology in India 3. Hyderabad, India 2002

Databases in networked information systems

third international workshop, DNIS 2003, Aizu, Japan, September 22-24, 2003 : proceedings

  • International workshop on databases in networked information systems 3. Aizu, Japan 2003

Radical innovations of software and systems engineering in the future

9th international workshop, RISSEF 2002, Venice, Italy, October 7-11, 2002 : revised papers

  • International workshop on radical innovations of software and systems engineering in the future 9. Venice, Italy 2002

XML in a nutshell

a desktop quick reference

  • Harold, Elliotte Rusty

Compiler construction

14th international conference, CC 2005, held as part of the joint european conferences on theory and practice of software, ETAPS 2005, Edinburgh, UK, April 4-8, 2005 : proceedings

  • International conference on compiler construction 14. Edimburgo, Regno Unito 2005

ECOOP 2005 - object-oriented programming

19th european conference, Glasgow, UK, July 25-29, 2005 : proceedings

  • European conference on object-oriented programming 19. Glasgow, UK 2005

Information security and cryptology-ICISC 2003

6th international conference, Seoul, Korea, November 27-28, 2003 : revised papers

  • International conference on information security and cryptology 6. Seoul, Korea 2003

Object-oriented programming in Common LISP

a programmer's guide to CLOS

  • Keene, Sonya E.

Genetic programming

8th European conference, EuroGP 2005 Lausanne, Switzerland, March 30 - April 1, 2005 : proceedings

  • Conference on genetic programming 8. Lausanne, Switzerland 2005

Conference on object-oriented programming

systems, languages, and applications : Ottawa, Canada 21-25 October 1990 : OOPSLA/ECOOP '90 addendum to the proceedings

  • European conference on object-oriented programming Ottawa, Canada 1990

Sistemi operativi a macchine virtuali

teoria e applicazioni in VM

  • Naldi, Fulvio

OOPSLA ECOOP '90 proceedings

conference on object-oriented programming : systems, languages, and applications, european conference on object-oriented programming, Ottawa, Canada, 21-25 October 1990

  • Conference on object-oriented programming systems, languages and applications Ottawa, Canada 1990