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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 820-840 di 5360

Distributed real-time systems

monitoring, visualization, debugging and analysis

Advances in web-age information management

4th international conference, WAIM 2003, Chengdu, China, August 17-19, 2003 : proceedings

  • International conference on advances in web-age information management 4. Chengdu, China 2003

Advanced functional programming

4th international school, AFP 2002, Oxford, UK, August 19-24, 2002 : revised lectures

  • International school on advanced functional programming 4. Oxford, UK 2002

Algorithmic learning theory

15th international conference, ALT 2004, Padova, Italy, October 2-5, 2004 : proceedings

  • International conference on algorithmic learning theory 15. Padova, Italia 2004

Fortran programming

a spiral approach

  • Kreitzberg, Charles B.

Logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning

7th international conference, LPNMR 2004, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, January 6-8, 2004 : proceedings

  • International conference on logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning 7. Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA 2004

Hypertext 2001

proceedings of teh twelfth ACM conference on hypertext and hypermedia : August 14-18, 2001, University of Aarhus, Arhus, Denmark

  • Conference on hypertext and hypermedia 12. Arhus, Denmark 2001


proceedings of the fourth ACM SIGSOFT symposium on software development environments : Irvine, California, December 3-5, 1990

  • Symposium on software development environments 4. Irvine, California 1990

Scientific engineering of distributed Java applications

4th international workshop, FIDJI 2004, Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Luxembourg, November 24-25, 2004 : revised selected papers

  • International workshop on scientific engineering of distributed Java applications 4. Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Lussemburgo 2004

Agent-oriented software engineering V

5th international workshop, AOSE 2004, New York, NY, USA, July 19, 2004 : revised selected papers

  • International workshop on agent-oriented software engineering 5. New York 2004

Formal approaches to software testing

4th international workshop, FATES 2004, Linz, Austria, September 21, 2004 : revised selected papers

  • International workshop on formal approaches to software testing 4. Linz, Austria 2004

Algorithm engineering

4th international workshop, WAE 2000, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 5-8, 2000 : proceedings

  • International workshop on algorithm engineering 4th Saarbrücken, Germany 2000

Product focused software process improvement

third international conference, PROFES 2001, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 10-13, 2001 : proceedings

Fundamental approaches to software engineering

4th international conference, FASE 2001, held as part of the joint european conferences on theory and practice of software, ETAPS 2001, Genova, Italy, April 2-6, 2001 : proceedings

Grammatical inference

algorithms and applications : 7th international colloquium, ICGI 2004, Athens, Greece, October 11-13, 2004 : proceedings

  • International colloquium on grammatical inference 7. Atene, Grecia 2004

Public-key cryptography

American mathematical society short course, january 13-14, 2003, Baltimore, Maryland