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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 140-160 di 479

The digital economy

promise and peril in the age of networked intelligence

  • Tapscott, Don

The simple book

an introduction to Internet management

  • Rose, Marshall T.

Internetworking [+]

  • Baldi, Mario 1968-

The Open Book

A practical perspective on OSI

  • Rose, Marshall T.


ricerca documentaria

  • Barès, Michel


  • Baker, Richard H.

LANs to WANs

network management in the 1990s

  • Muller, Nathan J.

Data networks

concepts, theory and practice

  • Black, Uyless

Computer networks

protocols, standards and interfaces

  • Black, Uyless

Microcomputer, application, development

techniques for evaluaton and implementation

  • Bodner, Michael Simon

Metodi di interfacciamento

interfacce standard nei sistemi elettronici


normes de metafichiers et d'interfaces pour l'infographie

  • Arnold, David B.

Le reti

  • Ferrigno, Mauro