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Risultati 1-20 di 975

Software development environments and case technology

European Symposium, Königswinter, June 17-19, 1991 Proceedings

Electronic analog computers

d-c analog computers

  • Korn, Granino Arthur

Struttura, organizzazione e progetto dei calcolatori

interdipendenza tra hardware e software

  • Patterson, David A.

High performance computing

4th international symposium, ISHPC 2002, Kansai Science City, Japan, May 15-17, 2002 : proceedings

  • International symposium on high performance computing 4. Kansai Science City, Japan 2002

Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGCPR conference

April 19-21, 2001 San Diego, California, USA

  • ACM SIGCPR conference San Diego, CA 2001

Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM symposium on theory of computing

Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, July 6-8, 2001

  • ACM symposium on theory of computing 33. Hersonissos, Crete, Greece 2001

Conference proceedings of the 2001 [15th ACM] International conference on Supercomputing

Sorrento, Italy, June 17-21, 2001

  • International conference on supercomputing 15. Sorrento, Italia 2001

Un computer dal cuore saggio

fiaba e considerazioni educative sull'uso del computer e della rete internet

  • Ozenda, Mauro

Gli archivi tra storia, uso e futuro [+]

la rivoluzione tecnologica e le biblioteche

  • Valacchi, Federico

Risultati 1-20 di 975