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Risultati 20-40 di 387

Sviluppare applicazioni con Angular

[guida alla programmazione web e mobile]

  • Giacchina, Vincenzo

XML schema

  • Gulbransen, David

Computer architecture

a quantitative approach

  • Hennessy, John L.


how to program

  • Deitel, Harvey M.

Component software

beyond object oriented programming

  • Szyperski, Clemens

BPMN 2.0

introduction to the standard for business process modeling

  • Allweyer, Thomas

The practical performance analyst

performance-by-design techniques for distributed systems

  • Gunther, Neil J. 1950-

Linux firewalls

  • Ziegler, Robert L.

Software reuse

architecture, process and organization for busines succes

  • Jacobson, Ivar