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Risultati 600-620 di 13831

La scuola unica hesseniana

tesi di laurea

  • Morelli, Tamara

Carleton W. Washburne

tesi di laurea

  • Signorini, Cristiana

Educare insegnando

apprendere ad applicare il cooperative learning

  • Comoglio, Mario

Education for the 21st century

commonalities and diversities : network educational science Amsterdam triannual network conference : Stockholm, Sveden, June 13 - 15, 1996

  • Triannual network conference Stoccolma 13-15 giugno 1996

Die Entschulung der Gesellschaft

Entwurf eines demokratischen Bildungssystems

  • Illich, Ivan

Begegnungen mit Pestalozzi

ausgewählte zeitgenössische Berichte

Le livre au service de la paix, de l'humanisme et du progrès

symposium international de l'Unesco : Moscou, 12-15 septembre 1972


The learning society

  • Hutchins, Robert Maynard

Incontri di sguardi

saperi e pratiche dell'intercultura

Paulo Freire

a revolutionary dilemma for the adult educator

Educating reason

rationality, critical thinking, and education

  • Siegel, Harvey

Bildung und Gesellschaft

die Einschätzung der Bildung und ihrer Vermittler in der griechisch-römischen Antike

  • Christes, Johannes

Pedagogia e post-umano

ibridazioni identitarie e frontiere del possibile

  • Pinto Minerva, Franca

Proceedings of the sixth international conference for the psychology of mathematical education

6th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematical education, PME 6, Antwerp, 18-23 July 1982

  • International conference for the psychology of mathematical education 6. Antwerp, Belgio 1982

Il piano nazionale per l'informatica

a che punto siamo?

  • Federazione nazionale insegnanti scuole medie