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Risultati 1-7 di 7

La cooperazione decentrata oltre l'aiuto

gli attori locali nella ridefinizione dei rapporti Nord/Sud

  • Grieco, Mario

Development co-operation

efforts and policies of the members of the Development Assistance Committee : 1993 report

  • Love, Alexander R.

Does aid work?

report to an intergovernmental task force

  • Cassen, Robert

Aid for development

the key issues : supporting materials for the Report of the Task Force on Concessional Flows

  • Development Committee. Task Force on Concessional Flows

Vingt-cinq ans de cooperation pour le developpement:

un examen : efforts et politiques poursuivis par les membres du Comite d' Aide au Developpement

  • Poats, Rutherford M.

Poor economics

a radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty

  • Banerjee, Abhijit

Risultati 1-7 di 7