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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 80-100 di 111

Regional science

retrospect and prospect

Remaking regional economies

power, labor, and firm strategies in the knowledge economy

  • Christopherson, Susan

Space and economics

an introduction to regional economics

  • Heijman, W. J. M.

Economia regionale

localizzazione, crescita regionale e sviluppo locale

  • Capello, Roberta

The regional economics of knowledge and talent

local advantage in a global context

Regolazione politica dello sviluppo locale

Veneto ed Emilia Romagna a confronto

  • Messina, Patrizia

The regional world

territorial development in a global economy

  • Storper, Michael

The new regional economies

the US common market and the global economy

  • Barnes, William R.

Regional innovation systems

the role of governances in a globalized world

Competitiveness, localised learning and regional development

specialisation and prosperity in small open economies

Regions reconsidered

economic networks, innovation, and local development in industrialization countries

The end of the nation state

the rise of regional economics

  • Ohmae, Kenichi