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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 180-200 di 712

Environmental conservation

  • Dasmann, Raymond Fredric

Walking the talk

the business case for sustainable development

  • Holliday, Charles O.

Knowledge for sustainable development

an insight into the encyclopedia of life support systems

Managing the environment

an economic primer

  • Ramsay, William

La sostenibilità dello sviluppo globale

  • Vercelli, Alessandro economista

The economics of environment and development

selected essays

  • Barbier, Edward B.

Bioregionalism and civil society

democratic challenges to corporate globalism

  • Carr, Mike


bioregional thought and practice

  • Thayer, Robert L. jr.

Geologia ambientale

  • Pipkin, Bernard W.

Sviluppo sostenibile a scala regionale

  • Gruppo di ricerca interuniversitario sullo sviluppo sostenibile

Atti dell'8. Simposio nazionale sulla conservazione della natura

Bari, 26-28 aprile 1979

  • Simposio nazionale sulla conservazione della natura 8. Bari 1979

Natural resources and violent conflict

options and actions

  • Bannon, Ian

Environmentalism and political theory

toward an ecocentric approach

  • Eckersley, Robyn

Countryside in trust

land management by conservation, recreation and amenity organisations

  • Dwyer, Janet

Alla ricerca degli ortaggi perduti

salva i semi con i seed savers

  • Olivucci, Alberto