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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 240-260 di 1315

The unquiet woods

ecological change and peasant resistance in the Himalaya

  • Guha, Ramachandra

State of the world 98

stato del pianeta e sostenibilità : rapporto annuale

  • Worldwatch Institute

Risorse naturali e sviluppo economico-sociale

contributi delle scienze merceologiche


der Kampf um die Güter der Erde

  • Pahl, Walther

Ambiente Italia 1998

rapporto sullo stato del paese e analisi del ciclo delle acque

Ecological economics

a political economics approach to environment and development

  • Söderbaum, Peter

The politics of sustainable development

theory, policy and practice within the European Union

Visitor impact management

a review of research

  • Kuss, Fred R.

Economia leggera

l'ecoefficienza dal fattore 4 al business sostenibile

Ecological economics and sustainable development

theory, methods and applications

  • Bergh, Jeroen C. J. M. Van Den

Elusive saviours

transnational corporations and sustainable development

  • Heerings, Hans

Mathematical aspects of production and distribution of energy

[proceedings of the symposium in applied mathematics of the American Mathematical Society, held in San Antonio, Texas, January 20-21, 1976]

  • Symposium in applied mathematics San Antonio, Texas 1976