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Risultati 1-20 di 263

Old South, new South

revolutions in the Southern economy since the civil war

  • Wright, Gavin

Post-industrial America

a geographical perspective

  • Clark, David 1946-

Government and the American economy

a new history

  • Fishback, Price

Città e campagna nell'età dorata

gli Stati Uniti tra utopia e riforma

The growth of large fortunes

a study of economic causes affecting the acquisition and distribution of property

  • Watkins, George Pendleton

Optimal planning for economic stabilization

the application of control theory to stabilization policy

  • Pindyck, Robert S.

Growth, accumulation, and unproductive activity

an analysis of the postwar U.S. economy

  • Wolff, Edward N.

House of debt

how they (and you) caused the great recession, and how we can prevent it from happening again

  • Mian, Atif

The great u-turn

corporate restructuring and the polarizing of America

  • Harrison, Bennett

Unequal democracy

the political economy of the new gilded age

  • Bartels, Larry M.

All the devils are here

the hidden history of the financial crisis

  • McLean, Bethany

The hellhound of Wall Street

how Ferdinand Pecora's investigation of the Great Crash forever changed American finance

  • Perino, Michael A.

A house dividing

economic development in Pennsylvania and Virginia before the Civil War

  • Majewski, John

The great crash 1929

  • Galbraith, John Kenneth

Regional dynamics

studies in adjustment theory

  • Clark, Gordon L.

Risultati 1-20 di 263