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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 4180-4200 di 22329

Storia e scienze sociali

scritti di metodo

  • Postan, Michael M.

The limits of regulation

a critical analysis of capitalist development

  • Mavroudeas, Stavros D.

Political economies of the Aegean bronze age

papers from the Langford conference, Florida state university, Tallahassee, 22-24 February 2007

  • Langford conference of the Department of classics Tallahassee 2007

Scritti geografici


  • Nice, Bruno

T.R. Malthus

the unpublished papers in the collection of Kanto GakuenUniversity

L'économie allemande sous le nazisme

un aspect de la décadence du capitalisme

  • Bettelheim, Charles

Deuxieme conference internationale d'histoire economique

  • Conference International D'histoire Economique 2 Aix-en-provence 1962

Planning reforms in the Soviet Union 1962-1966

an analysis of recent trends in economic organization and management

  • Zaleski, Eugène

The forging of the modern state

early industrial Britain, 1783-1870

  • Evans, Eric J.

Essays in biography

  • Keynes, John Maynard

Predecessors of Adam Smith

the growth of British economic thought

  • Johnson, Edgar Augustus Jerome