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Risultati 400-420 di 1843

Tra geografia e storia [+]

un itinerario nella geografia umana

  • Quaini, Massimo

Pensare verde [+]

psicologia e critica della ragione ecologica

  • Perussia, Felice 1951-

From eco-cities to living machines

principles of ecological design

  • Jack Todd, Nancy

Harm De Blijs geography book

a leading geographers fresh look at our changing world

  • De Blij, Harm J.

The earth as transformed by human action

global and regional changes in the biosphere over the past 300 years

  • The earth as transformed by human action symposium Worcester, Mass. 1987

Niche construction

the neglected process in evolution

  • Odling-Smee, F. John

Geographies of exclusion [+]

society and difference in the West

  • Sibley, David

The nature of design

ecology, culture, and human intention

  • Orr, David W.

Ethnoecology [+]

situated knowledge, located lives

Society in time and space

a geographical perspective on change

  • Dodgshon, Robert A.

Man-environment and development: towards a global approach

Nova Spes 4. Nobel prizewinners meeting

  • Nobel prizewinners meeting 4. Roma 1989