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Risultati 180-200 di 1843


le contrade mondiali illustrate nell'ambiente fisico, suolo, clima, flora, fauna, genti, con cenni storici

  • Muzio, Carlo

Halte à la croissance?

enquête sur le Club de Rome

  • Delaunay, Janine

Aging and levels of biological organization

proceedings of a conference at Princeton, New Jersey, December 2-5, 1962

Imagined country

environment, culture and society

  • Short, John Rennie

Carl Amery

"...ahnen, wie das alles gemeint war" : Ausstellung eines Werkes

Storia dell'ecologia

una scienza dell'uomo e della natura

  • Deléage, Jean Paul

The cultural landscape

  • Salter, Christopher L.

Maps of meaning

an introduction to cultural geography

  • Jackson, Peter McLeod

In the Name of Eugenics

Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity

  • Kevles, Daniel J.