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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 20-40 di 77

Ambiente mare

ecologia e nuove tecnologie di ricerca

The sea shore

  • Yonge, Charles Maurice

Biocostruzioni marine

elementi di architettura naturale

La pollution pétrolière en milieu marin

de la toxicologie à l'écologie

  • Lacaze, Jean-Claude

Exploitable marine ecosystems

their behaviour and management: the nature and dynamics of marine ecosystems: their productivity, bases for fisheries, and ecosystem management

  • Laevastu, Taivo

Ecology of marine sediments

from science to management

  • Gray, John S.

Elements of marine ecology [+]

an introductory course

  • Tait, Ronald Victor

Detritus and its role in aquatic ecosystems

proceedings of an IBP-UNESCO symposium : Pallanza, 1972

Coastal lagoons

critical habitats of environmental change

Marine coastal eutrophication

the response of marine transitional systems to human impact: problems and perspectives for restoration : proceedings of an International Conference, Bologna, Italy, 21-24 March 1990

Fluctuations, anomalies, recovery

2nd. National Congress of Marine Sciences, 22nd-25th November 2000, Genoa, Italy

Ecology of estuaries

  • McLusky, Donald Samuel

Marine ecology

  • Moore, Hilary B.

Laghi costieri e stagni salmastri

un delicato equilibrio fra acque dolci e salate