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Risultati 120-140 di 1041

The animal claim

sensibility and the creaturely voice

Animal intelligence

from individual to social cognition

  • Reznikova, Zhanna

17.1.3: De motu animalium [+]

fragmenta translationis anonymae

  • Aristoteles

Survival strategies

cooperation and conflict in animal societies

  • Gadagkar, Raghavendra

The physics of foraging

an introduction to random searches and biological encounters

The better to eat you with

fear in the animal world

  • Berger, Joel

The playful brain

venturing to the limits of neuroscience

  • Pellis, Sergio

L'età dell'empatia

lezioni dalla natura per una societa più solidale

  • Waal, Frans: de


lo studio del comportamento animale

Collective animal behavior

  • Sumpter, David J. T. 1973-

Risultati 120-140 di 1041