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Risultati 860-880 di 3504

Environmental biology

  • Barrington, Ernest James William

Le valli da pesca del comprensorio veneziano dal Tagliamento al Brenta

ecosistema gestito dall'uomo per la produzione del pesce e per la conservazione dell'avifauna

Null models in ecology

  • Gotelli, Nicholas J.

Communities and ecosystems

  • Whittaker, Robert Harding

La Riserva Naturale del Padule di Fucecchio

dieci anni di gestione (1996-2006)

  • Bartolini, Alessio

An introduction to ecological modelling

putting practice into theory

  • Gillman, Michael


entornos humanos sostenibles: 60 proyectos

  • Ruano, Miguel

Organization of communities

past and present : the 27th symposium of the british ecological society, Aberystwyth 1986

  • Symposium of the British Ecological Society 27. Aberystwyth 1986

Proceedings of the 8. International congress on the zoogeography and ecology of Greece and adjacent regions

Kavala, Greece, 17-21 May 1999

  • International congress on the zoogeography and ecology of Greece and adjacent regions 8. Kavala 1999

An environmental history of the world

humankindʼs changing role in the community of life

  • Hughes, J. Donald

Colonization, succession and stability

the 26. symposium of the british ecological society held jointly with linnean society of London

  • Symposium of the British Ecological Society 26. Southampton 1984