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Risultati 80-100 di 457

The image and the book

iconic cults, and the rise of book religion in Israel and the ancient Near East

Prophets, workship and theodicy

studies in prophetism, biblical theology and structural and rhetorical analysis, and the place of music in workshop : papers read at the joint British-Dutch Old Testament conference held at Woudschoten 1982

Religion and sexism

images of women in the Jewish and christian traditions

Rabbinic culture and its critics

Jewish authority, dissent, and heresy in medieval and early modern times

The jewish body

corporeality, society, and identity in the Renaissance and early modern period

God interrupted

heresy and the European imagination between the world wars

  • Lazier, Benjamin

La Thora

la législation de Dieu

  • Drai, Raphael

The Torah ark in Renaissance Poland

a Jewish revival of classical antiquity

Il bastone di Mosè

profezia e potere nel monoteismo ebraico

  • Giuliani, Massimo

Figli e figlie di Noè

ebraismo e universalismo

  • Fontana, Raniero

Constructs of identity in Hellenistic Judaism

essays on early Jewish literature and history

  • Gruen, Erich S.


gruppi, movimenti e fazioni del giudaismo antico e del cristianesimo (da Filone Alessandrino a Egesippo)

  • Perrotta, Romolo

Brothers estranged

heresy, Christianity, and Jewish identity in late antiquity

  • Schremer, Adiel

Jewish cult and Hellenistic culture

essays on the Jewish encounter with Hellenism and Roman rule

  • Collins, John J.

Comparing religions through law

Judaism and Islam

  • Neusner, Jacob


goddesses in Ugarit, Israel and the Old Testament

  • Binger, Tilde

In difesa degli ebrei

contro Apione

  • Iosephus, Flavius