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Risultati 320-340 di 564

Papyrologica scaenica [+]

i copioni teatrali nella tradizione papiracea

  • Gammacurta, Tatiana

La carte du tragique

la géographie dans la tragédie grecque

  • Bernand, André

Von Sophokles zu Sartre

Griechische Dramenfiguren antik und modern

  • Hamburger, Käte

The tragic paradox [+]

myth and ritual in Greek tragedy

  • Guépin, Jean Pierre

Masters, servants and orders in greek tragedy

a study of some aspects of dramatic technique and convention

  • Bain, David

Hamartia [+]

tragic error in the Poetics of Aristotle and in Greek tragedy

  • Bremer, Jan Maarten

The tragic plane

  • Mason, Harold Andrew

Pelopiden und poeten [+]

zur interdependenz von Mythos Dichtung Historie Tragödie im klassischen Athen

  • Böhme, Robert

IG 2.2 2323

the list of the victors in comedies at the Dionysia

  • Ruck, Carl A. P.

The Greek tragic theatre

  • Baldry, Harold Caparne